Roosevelt freshman gives you a window into her new world
Journaling about life at home, Sharae keeps it pretty positive
CDC/ Hannah A Bullock; Azaibi Tamin
Transmission electron microscopic image of an isolate from the first U.S. case of COVID-19, formerly known as 2019-nCoV.
March 27, 2020
Journal Entry 1- March 24, 2020
It is currently Tuesday 4:27 pm and my day so far has been filled with work and the coronavirus has at this point affected everyone. For me, individually, my everyday life isn’t really nothing new except going outside. I feel so trapped, like I can’t go outside. There’s a curfew and plus we have to do our long distance work. My routine isn’t so different except that now I wake up when I want to and it’s just a regular long boring day. How do I feel about long distance learning? Well to be exact, at first I thought it would be easy because I didn’t really get that much work, but then I’m like “Oh I can’t do this’’… But now I’m learning to go day by day with everything and process it neutrally.
Journal Entry 2-
Today has been smooth, surprisingly. It’s now night time on Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. and I just received a bunch of work from my teachers,
so shout out to you guys. But I’m writing this last journal entry and just finished the other half of my work. However the coronavirus is affecting my family a lot because they’re so heavy on us not leaving, washing our hands, and just looking out for us. I don’t think this virus is unifying us at all. It just makes us question our government and their service to us. As citizens there’s little we can do besides staying in and protecting ourselves, so it’s pretty much of an “every man for themselves” situation but it’ll get better. On that note, goodnight peeps and get another preview of my quarantine life next time.